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Questions answered

What is an aptitude test?

An aptitude test is an assessment used to determine a candidate's cognitive ability or personality. They're extremely common in job assessments as they can be used to predict the likelihood of a candidate's success in a job role, whilst eliminating any bias through its standardised administration. You are likely to encounter them in selection for all job sectors; however, they will be specialised to cater for the specific job requirements of the role.

Are aptitude tests hard?

While aptitude tests aren't inherently difficult, several factors can make them feel challenging. Tight time limits put pressure on your problem-solving skills, and the unfamiliar format can throw you off if you haven't encountered it before. Additionally, the tests assess specific areas like reasoning or numerical ability, where individual strengths vary. However, practising with sample tests can significantly improve your comfort level and performance.

What are the different types of aptitude test?

Aptitude tests come in many different forms due to the range of skills required for different roles. Generally, they fall into two categories: verbal and non-verbal. Common non-verbal tests such as numerical reasoning or inductive reasoning, assess your ability to handle numerical data, patterns and problem-solving. Verbal tests such as verbal reasoning, comprehension and situational judgement tests are focused on your ability to analyse verbal data and make astute decisions.

How do I prepare for an aptitude test?

The best way to prepare for a test and maximise your chances of success is to practise. Practise will help you identify patterns, recognise question styles, and ultimately give you confidence in your test taking abilities. We have practice material for all aptitude tests and have helped millions of job candidates over the world improve their score. Browse our test material and advice and join the tens of thousands each year that we’ve helped take that first step into their dream career.