Talogy (formerly Cubiks)
Talogy acquired Cubiks in 2019. Talogy is a strategic talent management company used by the world's top employers.
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Note: AssessmentDay and its products are not affiliated with Cubiks or Talogy. Our practice tests are intended only for candidate preparation, not for employee selection.
About Talogy (Cubiks)
Talogy, formerly Cubiks, is an international HR consultancy that publishes a variety of cognitive ability tests for its client companies. Talogy has offices and partners around the world, including Europe, north America, Asia and the middle east. Talogy tests are used by companies across the world including: Siemens, Citi, and Microsoft. You may have been familiar with Cubiks assessments, well they haven't disappeared but they are now under a new name - Talogy. Cubiks, PSI talent management, OPRA and many others are all owned by Talogy. So if you're looking for practice Cubiks tests (pssst, they won't officially be called that by anyone anymore) then you'll actually be wanting Talogy's tests, which we have practise tests for.
Talogy (Cubiks) ability tests
Talogy offers numerous psychometric assessments: Ability tests, personality tests, and situational judgement tests.
Ability tests Talogy Logiks (intermediate)
Talogy's Logiks (intermediate) is a general ability test, this means it is a combination of verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning questions in one large 50 question test. The questions will still be grouped in their test-type sections, and you will have 4 minutes on each section (12 minutes total).
Did You Know
Despite the time limit for each section being the same 4 minutes, the number of questions in each section varies. You will have a total of 24 verbal questions, 16 numerical questions and 10 abstract questions. The total test time of this assessment is 12 minutes.
Talogy have some example questions you can try out.
Other tests, such as problem-solving are described below:
- Verbal reasoning for business: The verbal reasoning for business test, aimed at managers and graduates is 20 minutes long and has 44 items; the test is aimed at business support workers is 20 minutes long and has 42 items. This test may be unsupervised online, or may be supervised at an assessment centre. This test assesses an individual's ability to comprehend written information and to understand the logic of written arguments. This written information will be in the form of business orientated data relevant to the workplace.
- Numerical reasoning for business: The numerical reasoning for business test for managers and graduates lasts 20 minutes and has 24 items; the support worker version of this test lasts 20 minutes and has 30 items. This assessment measures an individual's ability to analyse numerical data using basic numerical and computational skills, relevant to the workplace. Data will be presented in the form of graphs, diagrams and statistical tables.
- Diagrammatic reasoning for business: The management/graduate version of this diagrammatic test lasts 30 minutes and has 60 items. This test measures an individual's ability to analyse and draw logical inferences from diagrammatic data. This is done by identifying patterns in diagrams, and identifying a missing, or following diagram in the series.
- Problem solving tests: These tests have been designed to assess how accurately a candidate solves new problems. It will contain both numerical and verbal problems. These problems may involve, antonyms, deviation from category, pairs of concepts, verbal analogy, logical reasoning, series of numbers and simple/complex calculations.
Talogy (Cubiks) personality questionnaires
Cubiks also provide personality and motivational questionnaires, both paper and pencil and online for candidate assessment or development. These personality tests are designed to assess your preferences in the workplace, and explore your personal style of working, there are no right or wrong answers with these tests and candidates will not be timed. Despite there being there being no universally right or wrong answers, companies will have a preferred personality profile of a candidate so be sure to read our guide on how to pass a personality test.
Talogy (Cubiks) personality questionnaires are described below:
- Peronsality and Preferences Inventory (PAPI): Personality and preferences inventory (PAPI): The PAPI is a personality assessment used to identify workplace behaviour and preferred work styles. The information gained from this test is then compiled into a report, identifying areas for development, strengths and insights into the candidate’s personality. This test will be encountered during later stages of the recruitment process and in staff development.
- Cubiks in-depth personality questionnaire CIPQ: The CIPQ is an in-depth personality self-report questionnaire designed to assess the aspects of a candidate’s personality. Based on the big 5 personality traits, this report is often combined with the PAPI to provide a deep understanding of a candidates behaviour and personality.
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Preparing for a Talogy (Cubiks) test
The Cubiks website has a small number of practice tests which candidates can take to see what their tests are like.
AssessmentDay also have practice tests which are similar to the style of psychometric tests employers use in recruitment. AssessmentDay have, amongst other types, numerical, verbal and inductive practice questions which is really helpful if you are a test-taker wanting to discover how to pass your aptitude test. At AssessmentDay candidates have the opportunity to practice as much as they need to, ensuring they are given the best opportunity to show their true ability under test conditions.
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