How to take the Atkins’ Graduate Recruitment Situational Judgement Test
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This is a video-based test based on scenarios that candidates could encounter in real life while working with Atkins.

Atkins use the following tests in their selection process:
- Situational Judgement Test
- Numerical Reasoning Test
- Verbal Reasoning Test>
Assessment section | Recommended Practice Pack |
Atkins numerical test | Numerical Test Pack
Atkins verbal test | Verbal Test Pack
Atkins’ video-based Situational Judgment Test will present you with 13 different web-based scenarios that you could encounter during your working career at Atkins.
Customized for Atkins, these scenarios are aligned with Atkins’ values and its requirement of the qualities and abilities of a graduate candidate.
Each scenario has been selected and tested against the company’s top graduates to ensure that only the most deserving candidates get entry to the subsequent stage in the process.
The test is not timed. So you have ample opportunity to think and rethink your answers
Advice from the company: “Be yourself and answer honestly.”
Take this test with the utmost seriousness. You get only one shot at it. Advice from the company: it’s best to take the test in a quiet place where you would be undisturbed. Also, read the introduction guidelines carefully. They have a test question that will give you an indication of what to expect when you’re actually writing the test.
Atkins' Graduate Application Process Stages
The process is designed to be easy and to help you best display your suitability for the position at Atkins. They advise that you should familiarise yourself with the company and ensure that you select the position most suitable for your qualifications and experience. Because of the breadth and scope of Atkins’ business, there could be multiple opportunities for you in various markets or locations. Atkins seeks talent from across the globe and promotes diversity amongst its workforce - it doesn’t matter whether you have a disability or not.
Online Application
Once you’ve decided on the position you want to apply for, you need to complete a short registration process to provide some basic details about yourself to Atkins.
The information you will have to provide will be basic general information about yourself along with some of your education background - normal application information, nothing out of the ordinary.
Please note, you can only submit one application per graduate recruitment cycle. This is important, make sure the role you're applying for is the one that you want, you won't be able to apply to several roles in the same cycle.
Situational Judgement Test
You are now ready to take Atkins’ online situational judgment video test (SJT). The test is designed to check your responses to typical situations that you may encounter after you’ve joined Atkins as a graduate. It comprises of a series of multiple-choice questions based on real-life, work-based scenarios.
Passing this test is crucial for moving on to the subsequent steps in Atkins’ recruitment process. As such, you need to be careful with your answers, given that you will have only one chance to take this test.
We have situational judgement tests available in our practise packs, SJT's are often advised to be taken honestly, however, practising them can help you identify and understand what an appropriate response to certain work-place situations would be.
The following video features Atkins employees' advice on SJT's:

Further Detailed Application
If you’re successful at the situational judgment test, you move onto the next stage of the full online application.
You’ll be required to submit more detailed information about yourself, including experience, skills, behavior and the demonstrated suitability for the position you’ve applied for at Atkins.
Note that Atkins does not accept or consider CV’s.
The full application section is your best opportunity to provide all the relevant information about yourself to Atkins, and especially, to market your unique suitability for the job.
Therefore, take the time to complete this section accurately, in as much detail as required, just as you would in a CV.
Tips for your application:
- The company wants to know more about your interests motivations and experience
- In this connection, the company would ask you three questions
- Include in your application all about your work at university, volunteering, societies or clubs
- This is also the place to show off what you know about Atkins, so do plenty of research in advance
- Look at the job description and show how you match up with the required skills and experience listed there
- Ideally your application should be customized specifically for your selected Atkins role and its industry
- It would be a strategically smart idea also to check out the team description given in the job. Write your answers demonstrating why you are the ideal fit inside the team
- Apart from the Atkins website, go the extra mile and research the company’s social media, blogs or even meet with them to clarify any questions. Here are the important links:
- Facebook: InsideAtkins Follow on Twitter: @InsideAtkins Add on Snapchat: AtkinsNextGen Follow on Instagram: atkins_global Follow on LinkedIn: Atkins Watch on YouTube: Atkins. Website: Search Atkins Grads
- Clarify your motivation for joining Atkins. If, for instance, the appointment would help you in obtaining your professional accreditation, say so in the application
- Read your application through, and check for spelling and grammar perfection before submitting it
The following video features Atkins employees' talking about the application form:

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Try now for freeNumerical and Inductive Reasoning Tests
Time again to take your computer and head for a quiet place. Atkins will now ask you to complete some short tests to assess your math and logical skills.
Again, you must compulsorily pass these tests to qualify for the subsequent steps in the recruitment process. Therefore, apply your full concentration during the test and utilize the entire allotted time.
You can prepare for these tests by practising numerical and logical tests (Both of these test types, and others, are included in our bundle pack ).
Telephone Briefing Call
You will be asked, at a convenient time, to chat on the telephone with an Atkins recruitment advisor. This stage is pretty much a telephone interview.
On this call, the company will want to know more about yourself. The advisor will also give you more information about the role you have applied for, as well as the subsequent process in the recruitment cycle. This will be a good opportunity to ask any questions, but don't make them questions that someone would ask if they weren't prepared or hadn't researched the company as this could make you look uninterested about the company.
Graduate Assessment Centre
The final stage!
You now have to present yourself at an Atkins office where you would engage in a series of activities along with other applicants. At this stage, you also get to know more about the work culture at Atkins and its office environment.
Tips on how you can ace this all-important stage:
- Be relaxed on the day of the appointment
- Review all instructions carefully and ensure that you bring along all necessary documents
- Arrive well in time, as coming in late would create a bad impression
- At the center pay close attention to the instructions given by Atkins and don’t hesitate to ask any questions
- During the day you will be asked to complete various exercises to assess your skills and qualities
- These could include a written exercise, a group exercise along with peers, a technical test and finally an interview by a business manager
- To demonstrate your technical proficiency, brush up the basic principles of your degrees
- Be yourself - because the company wants to see the real you
The company will inform you as soon as possible if you have been selected for the position
The following video features advice from Atkins about its assessment centre:

Can I apply to more than one program?
Atkins accepts only one application per recruitment campaign year, so carefully scrutinize job descriptions and apply to the right position.
When is the closing date for applications?
The company gives this detail in every role advertised on its career pages. But it may close earlier depending on the volume of applications received. So it’s best to put in the application as soon as possible.
How should I draft my CV?
The company does not accept CVs. Graduate Schemes do not require CVs but you will have to fill-in an application which will require similar information.
What should I do if I had a technical problem during my situational judgment test or online tests?
You would need to ask for support from the company. Contact
When do assessment centres take place?
These are held for graduates between the middle of October and the end of April.
When will I know if I have been successful?
The company will let you know when you leave the assessment center the date by which you can expect to hear from them. It may contact you by phone or email.