How To Pass Your Personality Test with Flying Colors: 7 Expert Tips
Here are our 7 hottest tips on how to pass your upcoming personality test. Sit back and relax and let us guide you along.
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Jump to:Personality tests are a common tool used by employers to assess a candidate's suitability for a particular job or role. The employer will want to know if you're a good fit for the company and a personality test is a great way to find out without having to meet and interview every applicant. To increase your chances of passing a personality test, you can follow the tips below:
1. Answer honestly but with the company and position in mind
It is very difficult to distort the results of a psychometric personality test, however if you research what sort of person the company is looking for, you might be more likely to answer with that company's values in mind. Companies often list the competencies they are looking for in each role. It's worth reminding yourself of these before you take your personality test. Don't consciously try to answer how you think they want you to answer though as you are likely to get it wrong and if you're not answering honestly your answers will appear disjointed in the results.
Your first answer is probably the most accurate reflection of how you feel about a question.
The other thing to bear in mind is that the personality questionnaire instructions will usually tell you to answer in the context of work, not your social life.
If your personality test is online and you answer the questions in a manner that does not represent your true personality, then once they meet you it may be the case that they'll think you're not what they're looking for and you would have wasted some time. So it's best to answer fairly honestly.
2. Don't sit on the fence
Try not to answer too many questions with the response "Neither Agree nor Disagree" otherwise you will be in danger of appearing to be indecisive or lacking conviction.
It also makes it difficult for the test administrator to establish what you're really like and if they don't get a strong positive match to a role, they may put your application in the 'no' pile.
3. Avoid extreme answers
Conversely to the previous tip, you should also avoid answering every question with "Strongly Agree" or "Strongly Disagree". This might make you appear wildly sure of yourself or closed to others' opinions.
The questions will usually include some extreme statements to which not answering strongly agree or strongly disagree will be your natural response anyway.
4. Be consistent
Personality tests deliberately ask the same question more than once but phrased slightly differently. They do this not necessarily to check if you are answering truthfully, but more to measure just how strongly you feel about something. For example, if you really feel strongly about being honest, you will always answer "strongly agree" no matter how the question is phrased, but if you think that in some situations honesty isn't the best policy, you will moderate your responses. This will show up a scale in you results.
The personality test report seen by the employer will show how consistent you have been in your responses. If it shows that you're trying to manipulate your responses this won't be viewed favourably by the employer.
5. Answer in a work context
You may find yourself thinking "it depends" for a lot of answers, but remember the employer is interested in only how you might perform at work, so try to keep your responses in keeping with your work personality, they're not interested in your 'Frank the Tank' party persona. This approach will also help you imagine yourself in the scenarios presented and decide on your response.
6. Practice self-awareness
Take some time before you start to reflect on your personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses, and how they relate to the job you're applying for. This can help you better understand yourself and provide more accurate answers on the test.
7. Stay calm and don't overthink
Avoid stress or anxiety as it can impact your responses. Take deep breaths, relax, and approach the test with a positive attitude.
Avoid overthinking your responses, as this can lead to inaccurate answers. Instead, rely on your instincts and trust your gut.
Remember, a personality test is just one aspect of the hiring process and does not determine your entire worth as a candidate. Stay positive, be yourself, and focus on showcasing your skills, experience, and motivation during the interview process. Good luck!
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