Cost Calculator

This cost estimator is for universities and large organisations buying access to our unlimited user platform. If you are an individual test-taker buying practice for yourself please return to our homepage

Step 1: How many numerical reasoning tests would you like?

Step 2: How many verbal reasoning tests would you like?

Step 3: How many inductive reasoning tests would you like?

Step 4: How many logical reasoning tests would you like?

Step 5: How many diagrammatic reasoning tests would you like?

Step 6: How many situational judgement tests would you like?

Step 7: How many critical thinking (Watson Glaser) tests would you like?

Step 8: How many e-tray exercises would you like?

Step 9: Would you like the assessment centre pack (5 group exercises, one day in the life exercise, one case study exercise, one presentation exercise)

Clear selections

Total annual licence cost for unlimited users:


+VAT @ 20% Per Year